I do not understand why the political arena does not consider the long term over short term. Deals are made to be broken and benefitted from today, and tomorrow (doesn't) will take care of itself attitude. We need both good short term solutions and log term goals to deal with issues at the state level.
My top three issues:
I plan on getting into the forefront of water resources and infrastructure in our district that will not be able to handle demand and will be out of date soon (if not already). Flint is a great example, short term fix to bring in water from the lake and stop paying Detroit water expenses only to make the problem worse. The lead pipes were long since banned, but not replaced. Why? Because someone was getting a contract for changing the source without considering the consequences with the existing infrastructure. I will seek out the science and engineering expertise to fix our past errors and forge a system that can handle future projected needs while being flexible if needs change. Benton Harbour and Flint are just two local examples of poor management of a human right to clean drinking water (without the plastic bottle).
Ensuring the opportunity for all to vote. Some parties are making hoops for people to jump through in order to exercise the Constitutional right to vote. Some people think the 3/5 rule still applies to disenfranchised communities. People who don't see the point, don't vote and others are denied. I hope to change this practice and would suggest alternate programs for registration in high schools and automatically with driver license/id. permits. We need to make it easier to participate in the democratic experiment, not harder. No grandfather clauses needed here!
My third focus is climate/environmental concerns. We live on a finite planet and need clean air, water and open spaces for us to thrive. As I work for all to be able to enjoy these rights, I will make every effort to bring corporate profits the last thing on the list. I have three grandsons and want to be able to give them a world that is getting better, not worse.
As the platform evolved to pick the top three, I cannot help but add a forth. Reproductive rights and what a woman does with her own health choices are hers and hers alone. The overturning of Roe will get some people out to vote, just be sure those you vote for carry the sentiment as do I. My upbringing both religious and secular helped me to understand that women ought not be told what they can or can't do with their own reproductive choices. Just because I (or you) favour one choice or another does not mean you have to do what I think is right. If you feel reproductive rights are best made by the community, then let it be a community of one. Your interpretation does not mean mine should not be considered. Limiting women to narrow choices is not good for women and those that love them. You do not believe in abortion or other reproductive rights, then you should not make use of those procedures, if you believe it is right for you then we owe you a duty to be able to seek the clean and professional care all who live and breath deserve.