Minor parties. What's to fear? Ideas, motivated supporters, real solutions... Once again the minor party candidates for Governor of the State of Michigan have been shut out. The protest will likely get little time on air despite that it is being held at a TV studio.
Free speech paid for by the corporate backers of the Two Party System, Inc. Money makes the speeches free, but it costs all of us the opportunity to hear from other sources of ideas. Viable solutions come from outside the existing system, they have to as the corporate managers have the Red & Blue franchises in their pockets. How does a candidate have a fair opportunity if there is no access to the public? Big money. Really big money.
Are they afraid of a Green wave surging to power and usurping the establishment. Chinese, the old Soviet and current Russian system have but one party. Iran has the clerics to over see the approved candidate. These are examples of a different system, with the same net result. 'So your country has two parties and mine one, not much difference...' But that is the crux of myopic vision. The greatness of this and most modern countries is that the diversity is what strengthens them. Without it, the system weakens and will eventually collapse. The Soviets imploded, Iran is seeing a burka revolution, China has become capitalistic in many ways. The point is that ideas and ideals change over time. What can it hurt to hear other voices, engage in debate, and let the cream rise to the top for all, not just the top 1%...
Consider an Alternative.