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Issues We Face

Explore a Greater Change

School Bus & Children


For a Better Future

This particular issue has been increasingly gaining coverage all over the world. Why exactly? It is an issue that demands to be addressed, and heavily discussed with concrete action. Jeff Sparling,
Candidate for MI 14th House District
Warren/Centre Line/Detroit, is pushing for change, and is doing everything he can to see a brighter future. Learn more and join the cause today.

Health Care

Key Policy for Humanity

N Jefferey Sparling
Candidate for MI 14th House District
Warren/Centre Line/Detroit is truly passionate about this issue, as it is one that impacts so many people in our district. They hold women's rights close to their hearts, working day in and day out to find ways to improve the cause. Jeff Sparling, 
Candidate for MI 14th House District
Warren/Centre Line/Detroit aims to maintain access for women to choose their own best interests without interference from the state.

The Environment

The Stakes are High

Jeff is proud to support and push for change throughout the community. This is a very serious issue that has been impacting civilians worldwide. It is up to Jeff and other Green Party candidates to address environmental issues head-on, and rally the support needed to make the proper change. If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


N Jefferey Sparling

Principled. Proven. Progressive.

Help Jeff, volunteer!

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The Campaign Kicks Off

April 2022 Green Party of Michigan Nominating Convention

With hope and humility, we will strive to make this a better place to live.  Michigan House District 14 nomination was accepted at the Green Party of Michigan meeting.  


The road to the Michigan state legislature begins here!

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